Being 42 (part 3/3)- Is Google going to celebrate the same birthday as me?

Is [tag]Google[/tag] going to celebrate it’s[tag] birthday[/tag] on the Seventh of [tag]September[/tag] like last year? Last year, I shared the same birthday with Google. But Google said their birthdays change dates but remain in September. [tag]HAPPY BIRTHDAY GOOGLE[/tag]. WILL YOU GIVE ME DOUBLE ADSENSE INCOME THIS MONTH? And while you are at it, please increase my pagerank to 7/10 and be kind to place me high-high on the search positions. You know what? I am currently on Number One for Budget 2007 Malaysia. One out of 3.1 million pages. Beh hou siaw!

>>>>Now, on to the real post

Being 42 means…

  • I have lived half my life, if I am one of those lucky few who lives to 80+ yrs old
  • I have lived two third of my life if I got my parents’ gene
  • I have almost completed my mission and can go any time, any day
  • I have a patch of white hairs on the right forehead which I love and refer as ‘Cruella DeVile signature patch’
  • I can always write people’s stupidity off because I am older, wiser and smarter because I said so

Being 42 means…..

  • I don’t care if anyone remembers my birthday because it is better off that people forget that I am touching half a century old
  • I don’t have to feel bad that little wrinkles are appearing on the forehead because I am not ever, going to need a perky look to hook any man anymore
  • I can get away with many things because I have the age advantage

I don’t celebrate my birthdays anymore because I celebrate life each day. I give thanks to God for all the goodness that surrounds me. My birthday has no more meaning to me the day my son died because I found that life is just a fleeting thing, one minute you are here, next you are gone. So, I don’t wait for a whole year to celebrate it.

Then again, each year, only one my birthday, I can release that egoistic, selfish prick self of mine and give glory to my greatest self. Yay, I am the bestest, greatest, kindest, smartest, humourous, entertaining, cutest, most generous, most loveable, most hardest of heart, most cynical, coolest person on earth. No one can beat me to that. *pats own shoulder for being so wonderful* Hahahahah, I have used up every adjectives available to flatter my ownself, so there is nothing anyone needs to say anymore. Thank you.

At 42 years old, I have everything. There is nothing that I need anymore. Ahhh…..blissful life.

61 thoughts on “Being 42 (part 3/3)- Is Google going to celebrate the same birthday as me?

  1. Happy Belated Birthday *muaks muaks* Was gonna mention your valley lah but u beat me to it. Does it become more prominent with age? If so, I would lurrrrv to age faster. Lol.

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! If being 42 means looking good as you do, I’ve got no problems with growing then…hope you had a good time =) Blog about it, ya?

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