This blog survives WordPress 2.3 upgrade

I upgraded this blog to WP 2.3 last night. There are 2,300 posts collected over three years. I only use the minimum WordPress plugins.

I closed my eyes, hit the upload button on my Filezilla and prayed namoonithofoot. I was on standby to call my webmaster, “Bryan ah!!!! I just killed my blog!!!!! Kiu miah ahhhhh!!!”

But nothing happened.

So, that means I am either a very skilled webmaster and WordPress user or I am a very skilled webmaster and WordPress user. A few plugins broke the theme but nothing major. Sap sap sui.

Whoever is still afraid of upgrading their WordPress to WP 2.3 are either cheeken or blind cheeken. Nyek! 5xmom rawkz!

Now I am off to test Podpress plugin and hope to bring you some cibai jokes.

Added : The crazy thing I do at 3 am in the morning.

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