I don’t need SEX, I desire SEO and SEM


I don’t need SEX because sex doesn’t pay. Sex is free.

But I dig SEO because SEO pays well. In US dollars too.

So, I told Samm that I am khau-ing (flirting) with angmohs with good SEO skills.

Lonely Asian woman with red WordPress Tee looking for American men with great SEO skills to be cyber-seo lover.
Send latest SEO achievements to 5xmom@desperate4SEO dot com. It doesn’t matter if you are fugly like a bulldog as long as your SEO skill is gooooooood.


In case you do not know, SEO means search engine optimization which will give your websites an orgasm. SEX means – well, I don’t know what what SEX stands for. Do you?

13 thoughts on “I don’t need SEX, I desire SEO and SEM

  1. I trust Aunty lilian to come up with intuitive ideas like this. :p

    If I start an SEO service, u shall be my spokesperson. Lol.

    – posted from an iphone

  2. bryan – LOL, yaya.

    shoppingmum – That one is the fantastic WP T-shirt imported from UK, made in USA, paid in British pounds. WP gives me a D!

    hallaj – Nice idea.

    danny – iPhone? Wow.

  3. aunty lilian. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! woii, tomorrow closing date lorr. šŸ˜€ i am super excited ler. šŸ˜›

  4. Angie – Chup! What is so chim? The boobs or the acronyms? LOL.

    GiddyTiger – Search engine marketing

    ehon – Ya lor, so few entries oni…And sei ler, I haven’t tried WP polls plugin, dunno can work or not.

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