Farn Shee

Can anyone tell our Mr. Raymond Chan what is a ‘farn shee’??? How do you define a person when he/she is referred to as a ‘farn shee’? Please enlighten the little man. Thank you.

Hint: Cantonese.

Anyway, taugeh soh will be back online tonight. During our last ‘communication’, she said she was stuck mid mountain because of a landslide. She said “the mountain was so kamtoong that 5xMom was there, it decided to pang sai“. Hence the landslide.

WTF!!?? I guess it is the lack of oxygen at that altitude and she forgot to pack her medicine. Hence the meaningless statement.

I now pass the blog back to her. Next time use a more difficult password lah.

mount kinabalu

Nay, I just received the MMS from up the mountain.

3 thoughts on “Farn Shee

  1. Hahaha… I know what it means but I won’t tell.

    Pssttt… terence, apa dia punya password? Don’t tell me it is pa$$word? Kakakaa.. 😆

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