Twitter Updates for 2009-10-04

  • If buy-election, PM seems 2b overseas n no campaign. I asked the ppl of P. Pasir b4, they said, Mana dia berani datang….Coincident? #
  • If I am Beauty, Beast wl be cursing the day he turned back into a prince bcos he has to do all the housework while I sleep. #
  • If I am Sleeping Beauty, the prince wl kiss till his face turned blue and I am still sleeping. #
  • If I am Cinderella or Snow White, tr wl be no fairy tales cos I only sleep in the story. Too tired for 7 dwarfs or eat poison apple. #
  • I hv turned so domesticated! I mopped floor with a towel, crouching on the flr. (cos we forget to buy mop) And I overslept my nap. #
  • RT @skthew: Egg to cost two sen less in Peninsular Malaysia from Monday (5xmom wonders…hmmm..Bagan Pg gift for Deepavali?) #

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10 thoughts on “Twitter Updates for 2009-10-04

  1. Lilian,
    Your blog postings are in low quality lately, would you please think before you post?

  2. Wah Lau eh.. This person (Najib) really got nothing better to do ah?
    Kalau tak suka jgn baca la.. Siapa suruh you baca.. dia punya blog dia punya suka la apa dia nak tulis.. susah sangat nak faham ke? Bodoh!
    Kalau u fikir you can write better, go start your own blog la.. haiyaa

  3. JK – No choice lah, his masters pay him to stalk my blog everyday, so this poor lost soul got to find something to write everyday or else he won’t get his peanuts.

  4. Foong – So did so many others but they never comment leh? KNN, at least I am thankful the kembong got sienz and go hound other blogs already.

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