And I ask the Lord…

That I won’t be so critical of myself;

That I will learn to forgive myself;

That I will not lose the vigour to serve Him;

That I will always be sincere and truthful;

That I will always possess this guts I have till the end;

That I will always have the faith to let Him lead;

That I will be less of a control freak;

That I will learn to laugh at myself;

and allow others to do the same.

That I won’t be afraid to give fully to a cause, a person or a reason I believe in;

That I will always remain rooted in His Word;

That I will be forever obnoxious, infectious, warm, loving, selfless and never pretentious.

Despite of all the above……

that I will know when to love myself and never forget to put my own happiness first.

In Christ’s name, I pray.


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