I love late nights

I have been staying up very late since Saturday. I think the average time I go to bed was 1 am. It is 1.01 am now. I am waiting for a video to finish encoding. Then, I have to convert and put it up for uploading while I am sleeping.

The dracula in me only works well after 12 midnight. In two hours, I can usually achieve a lot.

I am lucky these few mornings I do not have to wake up at 6 am plus but at 8 am because I headed straight to the DUN for the session at 9.30 am.

That means I have a healthy six hours sleep every night which is sufficient. Forget about the eight-hour is best because who can afford the luxury of eight hours sleep anyway?

Anyway, blogging or rather jotting down the thoughts that momentarily stay in our memories is very important. I am glad I have blogged for so many years and can read back what I have written when the mood strikes.

The other day, I met someone from the past. I remembered him as a 10 yrs old kid. I have totally no recollection of staying in the same house with him when I was 17 or 18 years old.

It was hilarious and I laughed the whole night trying soooo hard to remember at least one thing but I couldn’t no matter how hard I tried. He remembered me as someone very loud and talked a lot. I hate that! I don’t remember anything and yet, he remembered the one bad trait that I didn’t know I have. He told my friends, “She was as loud and talkative then, as she is now on Facebook”.

Many days and even weeks after that, I still couldn’t recall a thing. It is very frustrating because it was as if my whole youth was wipe off. Like we lost a huge chunk of data from our computer and we cannot connect the dots.

I only recalled after my brother mentioned Beethoven and the piano. And then, aha! I suddenly remembered the shirts and the shorts, or the colours.

Anyway…after that I am beginning to wonder if I am having onset of some memory loss due to old age. I kept trying to place the pieces of puzzle together, like what’s that boyfriend’s name? The one who worked in shipping line? Or what’s the name of the colleague that I always quarreled with? And so on and so forth.

So, I spent my waking hours wondering if the old spinster is now regretting for being so mean to me. Kakakaka. And if the ‘i forgot his name’ boyfriend has grown into an ugly old man….

It’s terrible. Late nights and now the rain make me want to write. I wish I don’t have a regular day job or have to wake up to send my son to school. I wish I can write till I drop, face down on my laptop and fall asleep.

But nope, I don’t have the luxury of time nor the purpose to sit and write.

*checks video converter and it takes a few more minutes, apply SKII and thick layer of Clinique Moisture Surge and eyecream before bedtime*

Thank you for reading! 😛